Thursday, June 7, 2012

Transit of venus 2012

Taken by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory from geosynchronous orbit. (click photo to enlarge)
Our sister planet Venus as it plunges just past the solar limb and crosses the sun’s face. SDO took images in several different wavelengths, including extreme ultraviolet that shows the sun blazing with fierce magnetic field lines. Venus looks like it’s going to get burned above a hellish landscape as it sails across the sun’s face — it’s more than 67 million miles away so there’s no actual chance of that. This is the first time that a satellite has taken such high-quality images of a transit of Venus

Great photo of the transit taken from Chicago. The flight path of O’Hare International Airport was between camera and the sun, leading to an incredible airplane silhouette alongside Venus crossing the sun.
Courtesy: Adam Mann & NASA/SDO

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